It has been so long of a time since the day the first hunters started breeding the dangerous and lonesome wolves into the gentle and friendly dogs. From that day onwards, we humans have finally found our true companions. True to their reputation as mans’ best friends, the dogs have been by our sides for…
Category: News

10 Funny, Witty & Adorable Statement Dog Shirts in 2020
Dogs have been the best friends of us humans for thousands upon thousands of years. This fact is simply not debatable. After all, there have been just too many evidence about our domestication process of the dogs. The long duration they spent bonding with us humans has also led them to be uniquely attuned…

10 Lovable Gorgeous Pet Supplies And Accessories in 2020
Throughout the long time that we humans have spent on the Earth, most of it we always need some kind of companions. These guys are, more often than not, domesticated animals that we keep as a primary company, entertainment. Of course, there are also noble intentions such as taking a hungry stray cat…

Meeting For The First Time: How To Introduce A New Dog To Your Other Dogs
If you are a dog lover, then it is entirely possible that you already know this, but dogs have been the best friends of us humans for tens of thousands of years. Truthfully, there is no way to determine the exact time when the first dog domesticating process began. There is one thing that we…

Dog Beds 101: Complete List Of The Best Dog Beddings Of 2020
Dogs have been our most loyal friends for quite a while. As we all know, the domesticated dogs come from the wolf, which received a long and extended domestication process that stretches for quite a long time. After all, the first genetic divergence between the two species is believed to be occurring somewhere between…

Warning Signs Of Dehydration In Dogs (Update: 2020)
A lot of people have made the great mistake of believing thirst and dehydration to be one and the same. It is indeed true that the thirsty feeling is one of the more common ways for our bodies to remind us about hydrating. However, dehydration is, in fact, one of the most fatal medical conditions…

List Of Food Your Dog Should Strictly Avoid (Update: 2020)
It is only natural that any pup owner would like to share their incredibly delicious treats with their favorite pup. After all, I do not believe that there exists someone who can easily resist those puppy eyes that the pup will display each time they are in the mood for some morsel. However, you should…

10 Summer Vacation 2019 Themed Travel Clothes Your Dogs
It has been quite a while since the day that the winter season passed on. As a matter of fact, even the spring season is almost over now. Thus, there is no way that you are not planning something for the summer season. After all, it is still the second most unforgiving season of the…

Parvovirus In Dogs: A Guide For All Dog Parent (Update:2020)
If you are expecting a new pup in particular or just a pup lover in general, it is always better to have more knowledge on some of the most dangerous but preventable diseases that may happen upon your pup. Today, let us learn more about one of such cases, the Parvovirus. Parvo is indeed…

10 Stylish Dog Clothes With The Lucky Red Color For 2020
After enduring through the cold and harsh weather of the winter season, we have arrived at the undeniably much more tempered weather of the spring season. As a result, all of the clothes that we have prepared for the winter are now rendered obsolete until another winter season comes along. Thus, we now must…